Friday, October 31, 2008

Starbucks Trash: A Letter to the Editor

I thought that I would share this with the global community that will not see it in our local paper:

Hi, [Local Editor] -

I am writing as a citizen, not as a [local government] staff member, so my opinions are my own and should in no way be construed as the official position of xxxxx.

I love coffee, and when I am not enjoying a cup from the Sole Cafe on Fort Myers Beach, I buy Starbucks - it's delicious. Although they are a huge global company, and I typically prefer to support mom-and-pops, I can at least respect the fact that Starbucks tries to be somewhat socially responsible in the global market. They claim to support artisan growers and they do a lot of charity work (Google "Starbucks charity" to get an idea). They even run a clean water campaign for African towns through sale of their 'ethos' water. I have also seen Starbucks at the Lee County Reading Festival and various local charitable functions. So, some of my guilt over patronizing a huge company is eleviated by the thought that my money is going to the greater good.

However, I have an ENORMOUS problem with Starbucks as well: they typically do not provide recycling bins for patrons. Nearly everything handed over the counter to Starbucks customers is recyclable, including paper cups, plastic cups, plastic lids of various shapes, and food containers. Now, they do make their coffee sleeves out of some post-consumer, recycled paper, but I say - NOT ENOUGH! Recently, some friends and I met up at the Starbucks on College Parkway in Fort Myers and had coffee and snacks. I asked the barista if their store had a recycling bin, and I was told that their landlord would not provide them with the service. I end up slepping all of our recyclable waste to my house to dump in my personal recycling bin!

It is my humble, yet vocal, opinion that Starbucks has a corporate, ethical and environmental responsibility to provide their patrons with recycling. I cannot imagine how many unnecessary tons of Starbucks waste go to the landfill each day. If cost is an issue, I'd be glad to pay another $0.10 for my caramel macchiato.

I tried taking this issue to the Starbucks corporate people, but got nowhere. Can you help me by printing this letter and asking other coffee drinkers to demand that SBUX recylces?

Thank you,
Watching Puddles

Know More: McCain vs Obama on Global Poverty

I am a proud member of (a non-partisan group dedicated to ending global poverty) and thought that I would share something that is provided on their website. The information that follows will help you compare the candidates on the issue of global poverty and its major symptoms.

Whichever candidate you vote for, please help us to demand that they stick to their campaign promises to end malaria, seriously reduce the number of AIDS cases in Africa, help to provide better maternal medicine in poverty-stricken nations, and increase access to clean food and water. Only 1.2% of the federal budget is spent on international affairs, and only half of that money is used to fight HIV/AIDS and poverty around the world.


Let's take a moment and talk about how bad things over in Africa really are...

  • over 8,500 people die every day in Africa from HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis - three preventable and treatable diseases.
  • 72 million children are currently out of school
  • over one billion people across the world lack access to clean water and 2.6 billion do not have access to basic sanitation
  • every year, over 9 million children and half a million mothers die, most of them from treatable and preventable causes.
  • 900 million people (three times the population of the USA) live in rural area in Africa - the areas hit hardest by extreme poverty

Now let's talk about why we should care...

Okay, folks: saving lives and improving the quality of life is the right thing to do. I don't care where you sit (right, left, on the fence, or over the river and through the woods), it is unethical to allow suffering if you have the means to end it.

If you need some selfish reasons, Colin Powell provided some in his book No Country Left Behind:

  • Extreme poverty and a lack of economic opportunities fuels desperation and instability (WP comment: that means more war and a shit-load of violence)
  • Education and economic empowerment are key elements of any global strategy to eliminate terrorism (WP: Provide education and economic development, and seriously reduce the risk that some desperate folks are going to fuck up life for the rest of us - why do you think that 'ghettos' in urban America are so riddled with crime? It's poverty that causes desperation! And lack of education can often lead to poverty - name the last Harvard graduate to rob a liquor store.)
  • Providing these opportunities strengthens America’s image in the world (WP: So that when you take that vacation overseas, you won't have to claim to be Canadian.)

So, please: I implore you to remember the issue of global poverty when you go to the polls. I'm not endorsing either candidate in this post, although I'm sure you can guess who will win my vote, but I am asking you to be prepared and to demand action from your government leaders.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Average Joe-MAMA!!!! (Why I don't like Sarah Palin.)

I keep hearing people say that they like Sarah Palin as a VP because she's "just like" them - am I the only American that doesn't want the #2 leader of the free world to be just like me?

Is it crazy that I want someone more competent, smarter, savvier, more diplomatic and better educated than I am, and someone who's great at political strategy? Is that weird?

I am a young, petite, smart, stylish-glasses-wearing brunette who grew up in a small town and is now an administrator in local government. Although I'm not married with kids out the wahzoo and I sure as fuck don't shoot wolves, Sarah Palin and I have some things in common - the things that make her "just like" me. So...does this mean that I could be the VP? Maybe you guys could write me in on the ballot for president! I sure could use a raise!

Now, here's a list of 'no-nos' from me on Palin politics. I'm giving you these as fact and I backed it up by either making each one a link, or giving you the article so that you can verify these yourself:

  1. In Novemeber, 2006, Palin, a firm pro-lifer, said that she would always choose life, even if her own daughter were raped. (Watching Puddles comment: I am personally pro-life and politically pro-choice. I believe that abortion is a personal issue. However, I am absolutely against partial-birth abortions and abortions that occur once the baby could survive on its own without being in the womb. As for Palin's comment, don't you think your daughter should decide whether or not she can go through with birthing a monster's spawn?)
  2. Palin opposes stem cell research, physician-assisted suicide, and state health benefits for same-sex partners. (Watching Puddles comment: Stem cell research could potentially end a lot of suffering and save millions of lives, so I support it; I also support physician-assisted suicide for people with terminal illnesses who are in a lot of pain - I don't think we should punish doctors for it, but we should investigate each case to be sure the doctor didn't murder them; I am also a firm supporter of gay marriage and gay benefits even though I'm not gay.) Source: Boston Globe, "A valentine to evangelical base", p. A12 Aug 30, 2008
  3. Palin opposes legalizing marijuana. (Watching Puddles comment: Okay, I don't smoke weed and I typically hate drugs. However, I support medical marijuana. I also think that we should treat marijuana like we do alcohol and cigarettes: regulate and tax it. Save money from cops fighting pot and let them focus on the really bad drugs. Take the revenue from license fees and taxes and use the money to fund other public programs and start chipping away at the deficit!) Source: Anchorage Daily News, "Little play," by K. Hopkins Aug 6, 2006
  4. Palin believes in teaching both Creationalism and Evolution in public schools. She thinks this will fuel debate and provide extra information. (Watching Puddles comment: What the fuck ever happened to the seperation of church and state??!! Religions belong in World Cultures class, or a more appropriate venue. If you're going to teach Creationalism, you need to include all the religious theories on the way that the earth went from nothing to something - let's talk about reincarnation, too!) Source: Boston Globe, "A valentine to evangelical base", p. A12 Aug 30, 2008
  5. Palin doesn't think that global warming is man-made. (Watching Puddles comment: Are you fucking serious?) Source: Q&A with's Mike Coppock Aug 29, 2008
  6. Looking at various comments Palin made listed here, I have serious problems with her environmental positions. I'm pro-environment, pro-wildlife. Looking over Palin's history, I have honest concerns that she values industry over nature at all costs. She wants Alaska's endangered species to be removed from the list. Why? Because endangered species' habitats are protected - that means no building, logging, drilling, etc. in those areas. She wants to let hunters shoot wolves from planes. She refused to protect salmon from pollution - Hey! I eat Alaskan salmon!
  7. Opposes explicit sex education in schools (including the distribution of condoms), and only supports abstinence programs. (WP comment: She says she's pro-contraceptive, but she wants to teach abstinence in schools and not real sex-ed. Palin, you fucking idiot, you're just as bad as all of the rest of the crotchety old conservatives who think teens aren't having sex. What the fuck is wrong with you? The fact that your daughter is knocked up is a good indication that you didn't have candid conversation with her about sex. I agree with teaching abstinence, but I'm a realist when it comes to kids - they have raging hormones and will hump anything that moves. Teach them to be safe!) Source: Eagle Forum 2006 Gubernatorial Candidate Questionnaire Jul 31, 2006
  8. I'm not going to list a source on this one, just Google "Palin" if you need to: Palin is a big supporter of guns. Okay, I'm torn on this one. I hate guns. I hate how guns help bad people be worse. I saw Bowling for Columbine and how the Canadian people live - man, I wish we could all leave our doors unlocked and never worry about guns again! But, I guess guns are a part of our society and they're not going anywhere. However, Palin's in-your-face garbage about it annoys me and makes me want to slap her while screaming "STOP ADDING TO THE PROBLEM!!"

So, there is just a little on the specifics on why I won't be voting for a ticket that includes Palin. I just don't like the woman - I grew up in an area that was full of women "just like" Palin, but without her voice. I worry about the infiltration of radical christian beliefs, poor environmental policy, extreme capitalism (growth at all costs), and a lack of understanding on international policy.

Let's Start Over

Hello, there.

I joined the blogging community about a month ago, and dabbled in various topics. But, you know - nothing I've tried has held my interest thus far. I mean, I think to myself "maybe people will want to read about the crazy people who live on the island where I work!" But, then I want to tell you all about my frustrating relationship...oh, but what about my career?! That's a super-boring topic you might want to delve into!

And then, on top of that crap, I want to make random comments about things likepolitics and society. So, here you go, kiddos: a blog called "Watching Puddles" that talks about whatever's on my mind. Happy reading!!