Friday, October 31, 2008

Know More: McCain vs Obama on Global Poverty

I am a proud member of (a non-partisan group dedicated to ending global poverty) and thought that I would share something that is provided on their website. The information that follows will help you compare the candidates on the issue of global poverty and its major symptoms.

Whichever candidate you vote for, please help us to demand that they stick to their campaign promises to end malaria, seriously reduce the number of AIDS cases in Africa, help to provide better maternal medicine in poverty-stricken nations, and increase access to clean food and water. Only 1.2% of the federal budget is spent on international affairs, and only half of that money is used to fight HIV/AIDS and poverty around the world.


Let's take a moment and talk about how bad things over in Africa really are...

  • over 8,500 people die every day in Africa from HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis - three preventable and treatable diseases.
  • 72 million children are currently out of school
  • over one billion people across the world lack access to clean water and 2.6 billion do not have access to basic sanitation
  • every year, over 9 million children and half a million mothers die, most of them from treatable and preventable causes.
  • 900 million people (three times the population of the USA) live in rural area in Africa - the areas hit hardest by extreme poverty

Now let's talk about why we should care...

Okay, folks: saving lives and improving the quality of life is the right thing to do. I don't care where you sit (right, left, on the fence, or over the river and through the woods), it is unethical to allow suffering if you have the means to end it.

If you need some selfish reasons, Colin Powell provided some in his book No Country Left Behind:

  • Extreme poverty and a lack of economic opportunities fuels desperation and instability (WP comment: that means more war and a shit-load of violence)
  • Education and economic empowerment are key elements of any global strategy to eliminate terrorism (WP: Provide education and economic development, and seriously reduce the risk that some desperate folks are going to fuck up life for the rest of us - why do you think that 'ghettos' in urban America are so riddled with crime? It's poverty that causes desperation! And lack of education can often lead to poverty - name the last Harvard graduate to rob a liquor store.)
  • Providing these opportunities strengthens America’s image in the world (WP: So that when you take that vacation overseas, you won't have to claim to be Canadian.)

So, please: I implore you to remember the issue of global poverty when you go to the polls. I'm not endorsing either candidate in this post, although I'm sure you can guess who will win my vote, but I am asking you to be prepared and to demand action from your government leaders.

Fact-checking can be done through

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